Get state-certified appraisals with the professionalism you deserve at
competitive prices you can afford.
With McKeehan Appraisals Inc., you’ll get a certified appraisal that can be used for a wide range of purposes from estates, when losing a loved one, to divorces and tax grievances.
When it comes to real estate appraisals, you want a report that will be accepted by lawyers and judges, the IRS, and other government entities regardless of its use. Unfortunately in New York, law does not require that laymen know the standards required of an appraisal. As a result, you may get a free appraisal that is not an appraisal at all.
When you need objectivity, accountability, and perhaps expert testimony, we have the experience for you.
Selling and Listing houses on Long Island since 1975. Not only can we see your home as a buyer might, but we can follow through with your future needs as they may arise. Joe is a Licensed Broker who can help you list and sell your house when it becomes necessary.